Marking Earth Day 2015

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Tomorrow April 22 we celebrate Earth Day, HOME to every living organism. The origins of Earth Day began at the height of the hippie and flower-child culture in the sixties. Sedans of the day guzzled gas; industries polluted the air without any fear of any type of legal or public protest. The word ENVIRONMENT was absent from mainstream vocabulary. In 1962 the release of Rachel Carson’s best seller book Silent Spring set the stage for a movement.

The first Earth Day 1970 was spearheaded by a US Senator, Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin. After witnessing the destruction from the massive 1969 oil spill, he launched an idea, “a national teach-in on the environment”. He had the idea to use the same energy and passion found in the anti-war protests and turn it into saving the environment. The results on April 22, 1970 twenty million Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy and sustainable environment.

In 1990 the Earth Day campaign went global. So every year on Earth Day millions around the world mark the day with events to make a difference to the environment. These events range from cleaning up at the side of the road to reducing energy consumption by unplugging appliances when not in use.

Here at our parent company Foss Manufacturing over 350,000,000 plastic water bottles have been chipped up into eco-fi polyester fibers. It takes twelve bottles to make one pound of fibre.

What are you doing to mark Earth Day? Home Sweet Home. We are cleaning up around the neighbourhood. Conserving power wherever we can.

Till next time, thank you for stopping by!
